THE RED ROOM TORTURE (PART 15 - "Mine to use, mine to abuse." )
14 Nov, 2024 · Mature
Aarav's eyes searched the room, his breathing erratic and his mind racing. He was torn between the love he had for Raavi and the burning rage that now consumed him. His fists were clenched so tightly that his knuckles had turned white. He had never felt this way before, not even when his own father had disregarded his feelings and After seeing his father marry another woman after his mother's death. This betrayal by Raavi cut deeper than any he had ever known.
Raavi opened her eyes and could still feel the pain inside her. Every movement of her body was causing unbearable agony. She gathered all her strength and slowly attempted to get up, a soft gasp escaping her lips. As she turned to move forward, her eyes locked on the one person she had been running from—the very man who had caused her so much torment.
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